what supplements should i take to lose weight| वजन घटाने के लिए टॉप ५ सप्लीमेंट्स
Today weight loss is a big challenge for people. And many people are also upset with this.
Today’s more information available on the internet, many people are also following this information

That’s the reason that some people use supplements to do weight loss without any knowledge and later get upset with its side effects or do not take any benefit of it.
So, I will explain to you Top 5 Best supplements for weight loss in India 2021 one by one but But I would like to tell you that your diet and workout pattern is matters first
These 5 supplements will make a journey of your weight loss easier, or make it fast and up, so let’s know about those Top 5 Best supplements for weight loss in India 2021
5 supplements should i take to lose weight Review and Buying Guide
1- l-carnitine
l-carnitine will help you to reduce your weight
that’s a simple rule first, you have to reduce your calories intake and increase your physical activity
In this process, your store fat works as a fule means Whenever your body needs energy, it uses your store fat as a fule.
How will it help you
l-carnitine will help you to speed up the entire process, it utilizes your store fat as a fule which makes your weight loss easier
How to use
- You can eat it in the morning or evening 1/2-hour before cardio exercise.
- If you miss this dose, you can also eat in your 3-hour meal gap.
- For beginner intake 1g to 2g, maximum doses 4g in a whole day.
Note– Do not eat more than 4gram a day
2- CLA
it’s a misunderstood supplement because A lot of people don’t know about it
Function of CLA
CLA is a kind of fatty acid That you get in meat or dairy products, but They contain fewer fatty acids than your requirement.
That’s the reason, you have to outsource it from outside in capsule form because the capsule form is in a concentrated form, due to which it gives quick results.
How it’s works
CLA increases your metabolism because this is the main reason that creates a lot of problems in weight loss.
CLA enhance your metabolism and help you to lose weight easily
How to use
- Eat 3 to 4 grams throughout the whole day in divided doses.
- Best time to eat between the meal
3- Garcinia Cambogia
You must have felt strange with this name because few people know about this supplement.
It became popular when people started discussing it and found that eating it also causes weight loss.
How it’s work
Garcinia Cambogia besicaly supress your appaitate
For example
If I eat 2 roti in a meal, after eating Garcinia Cambogia, I will be able to eat only 1 roti
As you know you have to reduce the calorie intake throughout the day in weight loss and increase your expenditure
By consuming this, you will intake fewer calories which will help you in weight loss.
How to use
- 1 serving, 30minute before your meal
A lot of people may be wondering why BCAA(Branch chain amino acid) for weight loss.
How it’s work
From my experience, it works for weight loss when peoples start crash diets, means fruit diet, salad diet, etc, and suddenly increases their physical activity.
They lose weight but lose their muscle too and which is not happening for them.
your muscle does not lose when you include BCAA in your diet, and it can use by both men and women
How to use
- you can use it twice a day with your diets and meal
5- MCT oil
supplements should i take to lose weight, it is suggested that you should eat good fat more often, like fish oil, flaxseed oil.
MCT oil is the best source of good fat, and it will give you a great advantage in fat loss.
I will advise You to must know how to eat MCT oil
How to use
- 1 teaspoon or tablespoon empty stomach in the morning
- 1 teaspoon at night before bed
we hope these Top 5 Best supplements take to lose weight In India 2021 in this blog, will help you, and you will be able to lose your weight comfortably and quickly.