Tips to reduce male chest fat by yoga and exercise
Everyone likes the physique of fit men.
Heavy and muscular chests are attracted to all men because it brings a bulge in their personality.
In fitting T-shirts and shirts, your chest is more visible, but on the other hand, some people who always avoid wearing fitting clothes, the reason is the increased fat of their chest.

Incorrectly enlarged chest of men spoils the body image and becomes a victim of embarrassment. Actually, due to a bad lifestyle or any other reason, fat cells become more in the chest of men, due to which their chest starts hanging forward, which is not good.
To get rid of an enlarged chest it is important to reduce the overall body fat and keep your hormone profile right (more testosterone and less estrogen) so that you get rid of the increased chest fat problem.
But along with improving your lifestyle, you also need to exercise some pectoral muscles. In this article, I am telling you to reduce male chest fat by 4 yoga poses, which can help in correcting your chest muscles, let’s know the simple ways to reduce male chest fat by yoga and exercise, which will give you a lot of benefits.
Understand this in medical language
In medical language, it is called Gynecomastia. In this, fat increases in the gynecomastia breast glandular tissue of men, due to which this problem occurs and men’s chest starts hanging.
It is of two types, the first in which fat increases under the chest skin, it is called Sudo gynecomastia, and in which the breast tissue grows, it is called two-gynecomastia.
Although due to this there is no effect on health, and personality gets spoiled.
6 exercise to reduce chest fat
1. Push-Up Burpees

There will not be any goal in the exercise, which the burpee exercise cannot solve. The part of the body on which it is most effective is your chest.
If you want maximum stretch in your chest, never do a full burpee exercise. Do push-ups and then stand back, do not touch the ground while doing it. By doing this maximum number of times in a day, your enlarged chest will disappear.
2. Resistance Band / Tube Standing Chest Press

Use ‘resistance’ tube in it. Take the help of a pole in this also. Now, with your back towards the pole, push the band out of the chest area.
It has the same effect as doing a bench press, with the only difference being that you do it standing with a resistance tube.
If you want maximum stretch in your chest, never do a full burpee exercise. Do push-ups and then stand back, do not touch the ground while doing it. By doing this maximum number of times in a day, your enlarged chest will disappear.
3- Decline Push-Ups

Decline Push-ups are the oldest and most effective way to eliminate the enlarged chest of men. Decline Push-ups also help in increasing strength and reducing fat.
You can see the difference in your body by adding push-ups to your HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workout. Apart from this, you can add different types of push-ups according to your power level, and you can also do it by keeping weights.
4. Dumbbell Fly

Two dumbbells and a bench are necessary for the exercise of chest muscles. Dumbbell fly exercise will work on your chest muscles and help to shape the muscles around the chest.
So now you must have understood what you have to do. But if still, you are not able to find time to do these exercises, then you can play outdoor games like hockey, football, basketball, etc.
It will burn your body fat quickly, and with the help of these sports, you will be able to overcome the problem of increased fat in your chest.
5- Incline dumble-press

This exercise is the most effective exercise to reduce chest fat, You train upper chest muscle.
For this, you need two dumble and incline benches, try to lift heavy weights so that you can get the best and quick results.
To perform this, take a dumble in both hands and lie down on the incline bench, then slowly bring the dumble up and down, repeat 10 to 12 times.
4 sets and 12 to 15 raps
6- Chest Press

We perform this exercise on a chest press machine, in which you can reduce fat by giving better shape to your chest muscle.
We perform this sitting, in which you can set the weight according to your need, in this, you push the handle present in the machine forward and target your chest muscle.
4 sets 12 – 15 reps
4 Yoga poses reduce chest fat
1. Surya Namaskar

The benefits of Surya Namaskar is a form of yoga to reduce chest fat.
Surya Namaskar is stretch the chest muscles and improves body shape. It works on the muscles of the chest, legs, back, and buttocks. It consists of 12 asanas, which are explained in detail below:
Method of doing:
- salutation seat
- Hasta Uttanasana
- padahastasana
- horse steering
- mountain pose
- Ashtangasana
- Bhujangasana
- mountain pose
- padahastasana
- Hasta Uttanasana
- salutation seat
2. Virabhadrasana

Virabhadrasana can help maintain the correct posture of the whole body. In this, the hands are folded and bent backward, which can help in making the chest muscles shapely.
Method of doing:
- First of all, lay your yoga mat in a clean and quiet place.
- Now stand on it in the posture of Tadasana.
- After this, keep one foot forward and one foot back and keep a distance of about 3 feet between them.
- Bend the front leg at the knee and make a 90-degree angle.
- At the same time, try to stretch the back leg as much as possible.
- During this, taking the breath in, moving the hands above the head, and making the posture of Namaskar.
- Now try looking up at the sky.
- After staying in this position for some time, repeat the same process with the other leg.
3. Dhanurasana

One of these is Dhanurasana, which can also help in reducing mental stress caused by obesity.
Therefore, the benefits of Dhanurasana are taken in the form of yoga to reduce chest fat.
Method of doing:
- First of all, lay your yoga mat in a clean place and lie on your stomach on it.
- Bend the knees and lift the legs backward from the thighs and try to hold your ankles with your hands.
- During this, lift the part above your navel in the air and feel the stretch on the chest.
- During this, your body will feel like a bow.
- Stay in this position for some time and keep breathing at normal speed.
- Finally, while exhaling slowly, lie down on your stomach.
- Repeat the whole process two to three times.
- To do this yoga posture, stretch the body as much as your capacity.
- Stretching too much can lead to sprains or stiffness.
4. Tadasana

Tadasana can also be done as yoga to reduce chest fat. It is said that the benefits of Tadasana are to reduce the fat of the whole body as well as increase the height and shape of the spine. We have explained below how to do Tadasana.
Method of doing:
- First of all, after choosing a clean and quiet place, lay a yoga mat there and stand upright on it.
- During this, keep both the feet very close to each other and keep both the hands beside the body.
- Interlocking the fingers of both the hands, raise them in the air the head, and keep the direction of the palms towards the sky
- While breathing in, stand on the toes and stretch your whole body upwards as if you are taking a limb.
- When the body is fully tense in this posture, continue to breathe normally and remain in this posture for a few seconds.
- After this, slowly exhale and come back to the normal state.
- Repeat this entire process three to four times.
Tips to reduce male chest fat by 4 yoga and 6 exercises are beneficial to reduce chest fat. Yoga is such a way, by doing it daily, you can remain physically and mentally healthy.
It can help keep your whole body in shape. On the other hand, if you want to do yoga specifically to reduce belly, arm, leg, or chest fat, it will help you tone the muscles of that particular part.
Note – In the beginning, do yoga only under the supervision of an expert. Remember that a healthy body is the real wealth of life.