Things Never Tells You About Fat Loss (AVOID MISTAKES)
The vast majority of people who attempt to diet to lose fat and they fail. But what we have found, both in the literature and in helping thousands of people transform their bodies.

What are four things that greatly increase their chance of success if people knew before dieting? Today, we’re revealing what those are and how you can use them to your advantage.
1- Unaware Of body fat
Most people are unaware that not all body fat is created equally.
We have cells like two receptors, alpha and beta receptors. You soon remember them as alpha for awful and beta for beautiful.
That is because alpha receptors, tell our body to store fat rather than burn it, whereas beta receptors do the opposite and encourage fat to be burned. So we have the highest density of these awful alpha receptors?
Well, for males, to protect our internal organs, we have the highest density within our belly fat and love handles. It tends to be around the hips and waist.
What makes these areas so stubborn to lose fat from, yet, unfortunately, is also where most of us start in a diet and want to lose fat first. The belly fat, a lot of times is the last thing to go.
And just all this stuff, I have seen myself gradually lose fat in certain areas, and I still saw my belly, or I would still see the stubborn fat in my stomach be there, man.
If I don’t see eight-pack ABS in two months and I’ve been over 25% body fat for the last three years, I’d quit. Then leads many of us to question, is there a shortcut to burning off fat from the stubborn areas?
For example, added exercises are used to spot and reduce fat from stubborn areas like the belly.
Well, a 2011 paper tested just that and found that six weeks of direct absurdity five days a week did not affect reducing belly fat and overweight subjects.
There have been studies that have tested all the most popular solutions to losing stubborn fat that even I’ve tried out in the past in hopes of a shortcut.
Despite the proposed theories behind these methods, studies have consistently found that no, avoiding carbs past 06:00 P.m. Is not going to help.
No, early morning fasted cardio won’t help. No, there aren’t any special foods or unique diets that can help target these areas.
And know high-intensity cardio workouts won’t help either. So if that all doesn’t work, then what does?
Well, there is a method that I found and successfully tested with thousands of members of our Build with Science program.
2-Weight loss isn’t linear
In the meantime, embrace the other changes you’re experiencing that most people overlook.
When most people go on a diet, they expect their weight loss to look something like this, a steady rate of weight being lost every single week.
But take a look at the one-year weight loss graph of one of our Built with Science program members, James do you have all the ups and downs?
The reality is, depending on how much you’ve had to eat, whether or not you’ve used the washroom, how hydrated you are, or some combination of all the above, your weight will vary up to about £5. Day-to-day scales and weights will fluctuate all the time.
On Monday, if you’re seeing your weight go up one day and then down one day and then up one day, and you’re like, what am I doing right?
What am I doing wrong? To account for this, we recommend all of our Built with Science class weigh themselves every single day using the same scale first thing in the morning after they’ve used the washroom before they eat or drink anything.
If you apply this, you’re still going to see some variation, but it won’t be as big.
3- Fancy tips for fat loss
losing no more than 1% of your body weight per week, while also lifting weights regularly. But aside from this, there is one thing that seems to be increasingly important, especially with new research emerging.
So what we did in our study in my lab was we had resistance-trained females, and we split them into two groups. In one group, we had them increase their daily protein intake, and in the other group, we decreased their daily protein intake.
So both groups were naturally eating about zero 7 grams/lb. In the low group, we said, you have to decrease it. They ended up going all the way down to 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
The high protein group increased their protein up to 1.1 body weight. And at the end of the eight weeks, the group that increased their protein intake caused an increase in muscle mass and a little bit of a decrease in fat mass as well.
What made this study interesting is when we looked at the total calorie intake. So the high protein group, yes, increase their total protein, but that also resulted in them increasing their total calories.
They increase total calories by about 250 calories per day.
What we suggest is if you can increase your protein and you don’t have to go to 1.1 gram/lb, if you can just increase on where you’re currently at, I believe that you will get a body composition benefit.
But if you can, if you can reach that ramp per pound or even more, I think that you get more and more of a benefit. So we’ve been talking a lot about weight and even went through the importance of weighing yourself consistently.
4- Measures of progress
why do you need to look at other measures of progress? Our team of Built Science coaches has every single one of our clients not only weigh themselves regularly.
but also take progress pictures, keep track of their strength during their workouts, track their waist circumference, and monitor their physiological changes.
A good thing for me was measuring other things like my strength. I may be at zeroing with my weight loss, I may be the same as I was maybe a month or two ago, but my strength has gotten quite a bit better.
If, for example, your waist size is decreasing, you’re feeling more energized than normal and you’re making positive changes with your habits, then trust that you’re moving in the right direction, regardless of what that number on the scale tells you guys.
I can’t stress how important it is that you set up your diet optimally from the beginning and equally as important to know what to measure.