8 steps to start the day right with healthy lifestyle
Imagine that you are sitting at your desk on a Monday morning, and before you even open your inbox, you have already finalized the most important tasks that you had to do.
Whether you’ve been working on a project close to your heart or doing a workout, and focused.

How would you feel?
Pride and greatness, like you, could move mountains. A morning routine determines your motivation and productivity for the whole day.
Getting up early with meditating, training, and training are just some ideas that the two authors give to their readers.
Don’t worry! Adopting a healthy morning routine doesn’t have to mean getting up at 5 a.m. to drink a green smoothie. You find a personal routine that matches your own goals and priorities in life.
We show you 8 steps that help you set up a morning routine that is perfect for you. So do not consider the different ideas evoked as fixed, but let yourself so inspired by them.
1. Get ahead
Your plan to start the day may well be perfect, but you still have to get out of bed in the morning. The foundations of a successful morning routine are laid the night before. Make sure your sleep is restorative. The following tips can improve the quality of your sleep:
Avoid the light before going to bed:
Blue light rays emitted by cell phones, tablets, and other devices influence your sleep-wake cycle by delaying the production of the hormone.
Choose an appropriate intensity:
Right before bed, opt for a relaxing yoga or meditation session rather than a sweaty HIIT. Intense training causes the production of endorphins and dopamine and changes your body temperature.
Your body is kept awake instead of being brought to rest.
Eat light foods Before bed
Make sure you eat light, easily digestible meals. This way, your body is not overstretched and can focus on regeneration processes while you sleep.
2. Choose your own pace
It doesn’t matter if your day starts at 5 a.m. or 7 a.m. You must schedule enough time for all elements of your morning routine. Experiment with it over time, because devoting a whole hour to it in the morning is not feasible for everyone.
Also, pay attention to how you feel after the routine. Does it bring you closer to your goal or does it cause stress? Also, remember that a morning routine that works today may not work tomorrow. Remain flexible, open, and honest and allow room for change.
3. Make your bed
Here is the first task in your day that you can have done in no time. get up and make sure you don’t go back to bed.
4. Drink water
It’s important to provide water, especially after sleeping for your body to function at full of capacity. For example, drink lemon water with ginger or unsweetened tea, and incorporate this point into your morning routine.
5. Prepare a healthy breakfast
A healthy and balanced breakfast is the key to a motivated and productive morning. Combine complex carbohydrates and proteins with vitamins by consuming fresh ingredients. For example, how about a delicious chocolate porridge with caramelized bananas?
6. Live in the moment
Everything is still silent, no phone rings, and no one is waiting for an email from you. The early morning is ideal to enjoy this tranquility. Take a few minutes and be present in the present moment without doing anything. If you have trouble pausing for a short while, try doing a breathing exercise or meditation.
7. Set an intention for your day
How energetic would you like to spend the day? An intention is a goal that guides your awareness. We advise you to write your intention.
For example- make your to-do list.
Here are some examples of possible intentions:
- I define my limits.
- I approach the day with optimism.
- I act with courage to get closer to my goal.
8. Work on your ultimate goals
In addition to a job that keeps us busy from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and our private life, it often seems impossible for us to work on our personal goals.
Do you want to train, work on your fitness or read more? So your morning routine is the perfect time to work on the projects.