10 Snacks That’ll Help to Lose Weight easily
Most diet plans are bland, leaving no room for snacks or food that you enjoy eating. And if you want to stick to a diet, you have to give yourself the psychological edge with some options that make you feel like you’re not on a diet.
Your belly fat will only go down after you’ve stayed in a calorie deficit for long enough for your body to release the most precious fat stores that it loves to hold onto.

So this list of twelve tasty, low-calorie Snacks Help to Lose Weight will not only fill your stomach, but more importantly, they’ll satisfy your mind, which is an often overlooked yet crucial piece of the fat loss puzzle.
1- Roasted seaweed
This snack packs plenty of flavors to satisfy your taste buds. And that crunch feeling is roasted seaweed.
Roasted seaweed has recently really blown up, so it’s now available in most supermarkets already prepackaged and flavored, so you don’t have to cook these yourself to enjoy them.
Simply choose from a variety of flavors like teriyaki, sesame, or my absolute favorite flavor wasabi pop it open and enjoy your snack.
One serving of the snack only contains 25 calories, and that includes 1 gram of protein, about 1 gram of fiber, and 2 grams of fat.
Between the flavor and the crunchy texture, the seaweed will satisfy you while adding virtually negligible calories to your diet.
And you’ll be surprised how many pieces of seaweed you can eat before you hit 25 calories, especially if you have two servings totaling 50 calories.
Another awesome aspect of eating seaweed is that it contains many antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals like vitamins A-C-E and Iodine.
Even though seaweed isn’t necessarily going to be the most filling snack, it helps you feel like you’re cheating without costing almost any calories.
2- Popsicle sticks
We have a sweet snack that can replace ice cream while being virtually calorie-free.
These can be made very easily by using a popsicle ice tray and a sweet-tasting calorie-free beverage like Crystallite or Flavored Water Enhancer.
If you are using a regular ice tray, you’re going to have to tightly cover it with plastic wrap and then insert toothpicks into each flavored ice cube.
When done correctly, these are truly satisfying and they taste just as good as Italian ice. But instead of taking in 60 calories along with a bunch of simple sugars, you’ll take in close to zero calories with zero sugar.
3- Popcorn
The thing that makes popcorn such an excellent snack for fat loss is that it contains a lot of fiber, which is very filling, and popcorn also has a low energy density.
you can eat a lot of popcorn to fill your stomach up and take a few calories.
One cup of butterfly air popcorn only has about 30 calories. If you’re on a strict diet, you can easily cut out a small number of sweet potatoes, brown rice, or fruit and add in some salted butter-free popcorn instead.
It’ll satisfy many people who are desperately craving their bland, boring diets. Each cup of popcorn that you have will only add about 6 grams of carbs along with 1 gram of protein to your daily total.
4- Meat
Another simple, high-protein filling snack that tastes great is deli meat. You just want to make sure that you avoid heavily processed brands loaded with nitrates, nitrites, and artificial ingredients.
Luckily, most stores now carry brands of deli meat that are much less processed. Instead of using nitrates and food coloring, more natural ingredients are used to preserve the deli meat, like vinegar and sea salt.
If you have local whole foods, I recommend you try the Three Six Five Oven Roasted Turkey Breast because it only uses vinegar, powder, and sea salt as curing ingredients.
Four slices of this Oven Roasted Turkey breast contain 12 grams of protein and less than 1 gram of carbs and fats.
This is an even better macronutrient distribution than the zero-sugar beef jerky. There are also other options like ham with very close macronutrient profiles.
You can use these deli cuts to quickly satisfy your hunger instead of reaching for other high-calorie low-protein snack options.
5- Potato chips
Moving on to a crunchy replacement for potato chips, we have Baked kale chips.
These are super easy to make because they only require three ingredients salt, olive oil, cooking spray, and kale.
You would simply lightly spray an oven tray with the olive oil, line it with kale, sprinkle some salt, and lightly spray on top of the kale, again with the olive oil.
This kind of snack will contain more calories than the seaweed, but compared to tortillas or potato chips, you’re going to be saving a ridiculous amount of calories.
You’ll also be taking in a lot of filling fiber, as well as nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and potassium while satisfying that same crunchy sensation.
6- Pickles
other vegetables that have been fermented in brine like peppers and even fermented foods like sauerkraut.
Pickles specifically are very low in calories and carbohydrates. One medium-sized pickle will have only four calories and under 1 gram of carbs.
Just like cucumbers, pickles have a low energy density, but there’s no denying that they will add a fair amount of sodium to your diet.
Many people might be turned off by the amount of salt since it can cause weight gain. But the type of weight that you’ll be gaining is going to be entirely water weight.
I don’t concern myself with water weight when I’m trying to burn fat unless it’s directly before some sort of event where I need to be in photoshoot shape.
Even if you gain water weight from eating pickles, that water weight can be very quickly flushed out, and it won’t prevent you from burning fat, which is the real goal.
Salt also does not seem to have a clear link to high blood pressure.
Some people experience a reduction in their blood pressure with higher salt intake levels. Meanwhile, for others, their blood pressure goes up with higher salt intake levels.
7- Eggs
hardboiled eggs can make for a filling, high-protein snack that you can take with you anywhere. Instead, you can add a small amount of salt on your own or just eat them salt-free.
One large hard-boiled egg will have about 80 calories with 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat, and it will be compact with a wide variety of healthy macronutrients.
These include choline, vitamin D, vitamin A, iron, as well as vitamin B two, B five, and B twelve. Eggs are also super easy to quickly make whenever you start feeling hungry.
The speed at that you can cook a meal and crush your hunger is vital, because the longer time frame that you spend feeling hungry, the higher the chances are that you’ll grab a snack or food that’s loaded with calories.
Because when you get hungry, your mind starts looking for the highest bang for your buck. In terms of caloric density, that means high energy density.
Foods that are full of fats and carbs will be at the forefront of your mind whenever you allow hunger to take over and protein isn’t the only thing that can crush hunger.
8- Fruits
Fruit is another excellent snack, and many people are afraid of eating fruit because of the simple sugar fructose that’s found within.
Honestly, fruit is very rarely the food group that’s making someone fat or preventing them from losing body fat. Instead, it’s usually something else in your diet and the fruit gets the bad rap.
The exception to this is if you’re making giant fruit smoothies made entirely out of fruit with no vegetables and simply drinking those sugar calories.
But if you eat one or two servings of fruit per day, it will help satisfy your sweet tooth, fill your stomach and save you calories.
The best fruits for fat loss are berries, specifically strawberries. Blackberries and raspberries are very low in calories and carbohydrates per one-cup serving.
Strawberries, for example, only have about 53 calories per cup, and they come along with plenty of filling fiber.
There are also plenty of other fruits like watermelon cantaloupe and honeydew melon that contain a lot of water and help fill your stomach with a very reasonable amount of calories.
9- Beef jerky
Another prepackaged snack that I’ve mentioned numerous times before is beef jerky, and today I want to highlight the amazing zero-sugar variety.
Beef jerky isn’t going to be as low in calories as seaweed, but the majority of the calories will be in the form of filling protein.
Protein is the harder macronutrient requirement to hit daily when compared to fats and carbs. So this is a snack that will help you up your protein count with minimal additional calories.
And protein happens to be very filling. As I said, the best flavor for fat loss is the original zero-sugar option.
The macros on this flavor truly blew my mind because it’s almost entirely made up of protein. One serving contains 13 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, and zero carbohydrates.
If you eat the entire package, it will only cost you 160 calories, and it will provide 30 grams of protein with four and a half grams of fat.
Those macros are better than most protein bars, and if you are having protein bars to up your daily protein count, there’s no reason why you can’t switch to this more enjoyable option.
And even if you don’t get the zero sugar original flavor, there are other low calories, high-protein beef jerky flavors, as well as chicken, turkey, and Asher jerky. That’s all available for you to choose from.
10- Peanut butter
you may prefer to have celery with peanut butter. And for that, I recommend PB two or dried peanut powder.
Compared to regular peanut butter, you’ll save a massive amount of calories for the same great taste.
Two tablespoons of natural peanut butter will hit you with over 180 calories, 60 grams of which will be in the form of fat, as well as another 7 grams of carbs and 8 grams of protein.
On the other hand, two tablespoons of dried peanut powder will only have 60 calories, so that’s one-third of the calories for the same great taste.
I prefer the taste of dried peanut powder over regular peanut butter” Snacks Help to Lose Weight”.
Out of those 60 calories, there are only one and a half grams of fat, 5 grams of carbs, and 6 grams of protein. You simply add water and enjoy it like regular peanut butter.
If you’d like more help with mapping out a full diet plan that includes not only enjoyable snacks but enjoyable foods and many mouthwatering recipes, then try my six-week Shred.
Our whole goal with this program is to get you to lose 20 or 5% of your body fat and give you all the materials for free at the end of the six weeks.
It’s essentially a free trial set up in such a way that it gets you to stick to your plan. And if you simply follow your customizable plan that will be based on your preferences, you will lose a significant amount of your weight and body fat.
We know this because we put over 20,000 people through our program, and they have predictably and consistently been able to hit their goals “Snacks Help to Lose Weight”.