Identify different skin types and right skin care
There are four skin types: normal, dry, oily, or combination skin. Skin type is our genetic heritage. However, the state of health of our skin can vary considerably depending on the various internal and external factors exposed.

Understand the four skin types:
- Normal Skin
- Dry Skin
- Oily Skin
- combination skin
If you need help assessing your skin type, skin testing is a useful tool. If you need further advice on the best care for your skin, Eucerin recommends that you consult a dermatologist or seek the advice of a pharmacist.
1- Normal skin
The term “normal skin” is widely used to describe balanced skin. The scientific term for healthy skin is “endemic”.
2- Dry skin
People who have it have nearly invisible pores and a skin texture that’s both matte and rough. This type of skin can also be accompanied by redness and take on a wrinkled appearance.
If you have dry skin, we advise you to cleanse it twice a day with a cleansing lotion. Avoid staying too long in the shower or bath, which makes it worse.
A daily application of moisturizer helps to preserve the suppleness of the skin. Do this when it is still slightly damp for best results. Do not hesitate to repeat the operation several times a day on extremely dry skin.
Good moisturizers contain a humectant, such as glycerin, which maintains the skin’s hydrolipidic balance. Remember: a single exfoliation per week (provided you choose a gentle product) is enough for dry skin.
3- Oily skin
Oily skin can be recognized by its enlarged pores and shiny appearance. At the origin of these two characteristics: is excessive production of sebum.
If your skin is oily, you may tend to cleanse it too often. However, not recommended: we advise you to limit yourself to two cleanings per day maximum.
Washing your skin more than necessary can lead to an overproduction of sebum, which makes it even more oily. There is nothing abnormal in applying a moisturizer on this type of skin: the latter will then appear less shiny.
At this level, it is advisable to choose a “non-comedogenic” product like Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream so as not to clog the pores and to keep skin problems at bay.
4- Mixed skin
If you have combination skin, it probably has both dry patches and oily patches on your face. For example, the forehead, nose, and chin may feel greasy, while the cheeks are dry.
It can be difficult to determine the most appropriate products for this situation because of the different skin types on your face.
The ideal ritual is to combine a cleansing lotion with a moisturizer. Some parts of the face require more care and need to be moisturized or cleaned more frequently.
It is therefore advisable to observe your skin to the products to adapt your facial care routine accordingly.
Assessment of skin type and condition
Unlike skin type, skin health can vary a lot over a lifetime.
The many internal and external factors that determine this state of health include climate and pollution, taking medication, stress, hereditary factors that affect sebum levels, perspiration, and natural moisturizing factors produced by your body. as well as the products you use and the skincare choices you make.
Choose products according to skin type. Dermatologists and other skincare experts assess a person’s health status and determine a person’s skin type by measuring the following factors:
Signs of aging
Our skin type can change with age. Oily skin in adolescence can dry out after puberty, and normal skin can dry out with age.
All skin types suffer the effects of aging. The skin then loses volume and density, wrinkles and fine lines appear and changes in pigmentation occur.
Understanding and measuring these signs of aging allows us to determine the state of health of the skin. Find more information on the aging skin page.
Skin color
Ethnicity and skin color influence how skin reacts to external aggressions, such as the sun, pigmentation disorders, irritations, and inflammations.
The basic color of our skin depends on the density of the epidermis and the distribution of melanin. Learn more on the Ethnic Skins page.
The redness of the skin is also a useful element to assess its state of health. It helps determine if circulation is good and identifies conditions.
The production of sebum and perspiration
The amount of sebum produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands regulates the effectiveness of the skin’s barrier function and therefore its state of health.
An overproduction of sebum can be synonymous with acne-prone and oily skin. On the contrary, low sebum production means dry skin.
The sweat glands in the skin produce sweat to help the body maintain an optimal temperature. Too much or too little perspiration production can affect the skin.
Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF)
Produced naturally by healthy skin, natural moisturizing factors, such as amino acids, help retain water in the skin, preserve its elasticity and suppleness and prevent dehydration.
When the skin’s protective barrier is damaged, the skin can often no longer retain these essential natural moisturizing factors. The hydration of the skin decreases, and its health is affected.