Food can treat and prevent the risk of dengue
Recently, dengue patients have also come to the fore in Delhi. According to the NBT, there has been an increase of 91 percent in dengue patients this year.
It is spread by the bite of the female Aedes mosquito. But if your immunity is strong, then you can also avoid it.

Dengue fever kills many people every year. It constantly affects the population of the country. Dengue is most dangerous for people with a poor immune system.
A strong immunity can help prevent dengue effectively. In addition, it can also help fight the symptoms of dengue.
It is required to have a strong immune system to fight dengue. Today we are telling about some such food items.
Which will help reduce the risk of dengue fever along with increasing immunity.
How to know about Dengue fever?
Dengue fever has a direct effect on the bones because it causes severe pain in the joints. After starting with mild fever, it gradually engulfs the human being.
- Muscle pain
- Throat pain
- loss of appetite
- change in taste in the mouth
- Joint pain
If treated properly, then the affected person can recover in 7-8 days. Some of its forms can be fatal.
Immunity boosting foods to avoid dengue
1- Papaya leaf
Papaya leaf extract is rich in enzymes like papaya and chymopapain. It helps in digestion and prevents bloating and other digestive disorders.
Therefore, 30 ml extract of fresh papaya leaf juice helps to increase the platelet count in the treatment of dengue. If you consume papaya leaf extract regularly during this season then you can avoid the outbreak of dengue.
2- Ginger
Ginger is a food with a pungent smell and is used in most households in vegetables and tea. Being rich in medicinal properties, it is also an immunity booster. Along with this, it is also helpful in reducing weight, reducing soreness, improving brain function.
Its consumption helps in treating sore throat, inflammation, nausea, and other symptoms of dengue fever.
Experts recommend consuming three to four grams of ginger a day.
3- Citrus foods
Citrus food products are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C intake helps to increase white blood cells, which are disease-fighting cells of the body.
Such foods are also high in antioxidants, which protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Therefore, you can consume sour foods like lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.
4- Turmeric
Turmeric is also called golden spice, which is full of medicinal properties and boosts immunity. It is good to consume this spice with anti-inflammatory properties.
It reduces the risk of dengue. However, it is consumed only in small quantities in vegetables. To increase the intake, you can consume turmeric mixed with milk. You can also drink turmeric tea.
5- Garlic
Garlic also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and is most commonly used in Indian homes. Its consumption strengthens immunity and is also helpful in fighting infection.
6- Curd
Yogurt rich in probiotics is a treasure trove of taste and properties. Its consumption boosts the body’s immune system.
You can eat it at any time, but some experts recommend avoiding it at night. It helps in digestion as well as strengthens bones.
Yogurt is also very beneficial for blood pressure patients and those with heart problems. Consuming curd can also reduce the risk of dengue. Curd consumed in any form.
7- Almonds
Not only almonds but consuming every nut is beneficial for health. But when it comes to immunity-boosting dry fruits, experts suggest consuming almonds.
It contains multiple nutrients along with vitamin E. You can also eat almonds after waking up in the morning or mix ground almonds in milk at bedtime.
8- Spinach
Spinach is one of the healthiest leafy vegetables and consumed in the diet.
Spinach is high in vitamin C, an antioxidant, and beta-carotene, which boosts immunity.
Therefore, consuming it can also be beneficial. You can consume spinach in the form of vegetables, paratha, or soup.
9- Broccoli
Broccoli is a good source of vitamin K, antioxidants, and minerals.
Enhance Blood platelets by consumption. If there is a decrease in platelets, then consume broccoli in the diet.
10- Coconut Water
A person suffering from dengue has a problem with dehydration. A diet that keeps such a body hydrated should be consumed.
Drinking coconut water provides relief in dehydration, and Coconut water contains electrolytes and vital nutrients.
- Reduce blood sugar level
- Improve metabolism
- beneficial for kidney diseases
- Prevent dehydration
- Useful in diarrhea
- Antioxidant property
By consuming these foods daily, you can treat and prevent the risk of dengue. Apart from this, by increasing your immunity, you can stay away from other diseases as well.
Keep in mind that a little carelessness with health can be heavy in this season. Therefore, if there is any problem, immediately consult a doctor.