Exercise for perfect body shape for girl in just 4 weeks
Just combine the following movements to shape the figure. With a little time and some will you will see the results in just one month
You are in time to show off a good physique before the summer holidays arrive. The problem is sure that you do not know where to start, and you are worried that the bull will catch you.

Don’t have a free hour to go to the gym? Do you want to spend your savings on your travels and not on a personal trainer? Although nothing can replace a plan adapted to your needs and your physical condition, we are going to try to give you a hand.
The website on well-being ‘Bright Side’ presents a complete program with which, they say, optimal results are achieved in just four weeks. To carry it out, it is not necessary to have expensive equipment, just willpower and a few minutes a day. We will first explain the movements that you must carry out.
It is a position that is increasingly used as a substitute for classic sit-ups. Harvard University strongly recommends it when it comes to strengthening these muscles.
To perform them, it is enough to keep the body straight in suspension as it appears in the photograph, without arching the back.
Abdominal exercises
Lie down with your arms fully stretched over your head and your legs open and bent. Slowly raise your upper body, bringing your arms between your legs until you touch your toes. Return slowly to the starting position.
Thighs and buttocks
Get on all fours on the ground. Raise your left leg and right arm, aligning them with your trunk and forming a straight line, as if you were Superman. Then flex both extremities until the right elbow touches the left knee. Do the exercise one more time, then switch arms and legs.

Abs and glutes
Lie on the floor looking at the ceiling. The body has to be supported by bent legs and stretched arms. Now fully raise one of the legs and in this position lower the body until the buttocks are close to touching the ground. The heel of the foot that remains glued to the floor mustn’t move.
Deep squats
Open your feet so that they are parallel to your shoulders. Now descend, bending your knees as if you were going to sit on an imaginary chair, with your back straight and keeping the position of your lower limbs. For balance, keep your arms slightly forward. After going as low as possible, return to the starting position.
Lie head down on the floor with your legs stretched out and your arms crossed under your head as if they were a pillow. Raise the upper part of your body, from the trunk, as much as you can, working the lower back. The legs have to be glued to the ground. Stay in this position for a second and return to the starting position.
It is the classic exercise that has been practiced as punishment in armies and gymnastics lessons all over the planet. You begin in the same position as the planks, but with your arms outstretched. From there you have to bring your body as close to the ground as possible. Make sure that your back, pelvis, and legs are always straight. Finally, return to the starting position.
The complete plan
Here you have the definitive table that you must carry out for four weeks:
First and third week
Exercise (Time / Rest)
- Irons (2 minutes / 10 seconds).
- Push-ups (1 minute / 10 seconds).
- Thighs and buttocks (1 minute / 10 seconds).
- Squats (1 minute / 10 seconds).
- Abdominals (1 minute / 10 seconds).
- Abdominals and glutes (1 minute / 10 seconds).
- Lower back (2 minutes / 10 seconds).
Second and fourth week
Exercise (Time / Rest)
- Irons (3 minutes / 15 seconds).
- Push-ups (3 minutes / 15 seconds).
- Thighs and buttocks (3 minutes / 15 seconds).
- Squats (3 minutes / 15 seconds).
- Abdominals (3 minutes / 15 seconds).
- Abdominals and glutes (3 minutes / 15 seconds).
- Lower back (3 minutes / 15 seconds).
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