Effective ways to Get WIDER Shoulders in 30 Days
The Adonis index ratio suggests that men that have shoulders about 60% wider than their waists are most attractive to women.
A study from Cambridge University that included more than 700 women also confirmed that the shoulders were viewed as the most attractive male.
That likely has something to do with the fact that having broader shoulders will give you more of a V-shaped appearance, which gives off the impression of strength, good health, and a lower body fat percentage.

Women across multiple cultures repeatedly choose a ratio of one to 1.6 as the most attractive waist-to-shoulder ratio, regardless of whether you’re wearing a tank top, a regular t-shirt, or no shirt at all.
So today we want to give you the eight key steps you should take over the next 30 days to get bigger and wider shoulders.
So the first thing you’re going to want to do is to make sure that you’re hitting your shoulders at least twice per week.
You can combine shoulders, biceps, triceps, glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, and chest and back workouts.
By doing you can directly hit your shoulders twice a week.
Training your shoulders more frequently than just once a week has been shown to lead to far superior and faster muscle growth because, by the end of the week, you wind up with significantly more training volume.
Essentially, you’ll be doing more sets, times, reps times, and weight load each week, which is the perfect formula for faster muscle growth.
2- Lift heavyweight
You want to increase the weight that you lift for all of your shoulder exercises. I’d tell you exactly how to do that over the next 30 days.
That is so important because it’s one of the most efficient and straightforward ways to progressively overload your shoulder workouts. Without progressive overload, your body has no real reason to build more muscle mass that’s going to cost lots of energy to maintain.
So up your weight, you’re simply going to stick between a rep range of six to nine reps for all your shoulder exercises.
Once you can do nine reps on your first set of a shoulder exercise like military presses, and you can do that without fail, well, at that point you’re required to up the weight by a small increment to the next level.
This new weight load that you select should be an amount that you’re only able to do around six to seven reps with. And increasing your rep range.
Once you can do that nine reps of that slightly heavier weight load, repeat this process by moving up again.
So every time you get to that upper limit of your rep, range up the weight enough to force yourself to drop back down to six or seven reps.
Even upping the weight by two and a half pounds on each side of the bar can lead to massive gains, especially if you’re using this strategy for every shoulder exercise.
3- Exercise to hit true failure
Next, when doing your sets, make sure that you hit true failure. Don’t just stop at six or seven reps because you hit your target with this heavier weight load.
If you can squeeze out the 8th rep, even if it’s a slight cheat rep, you shouldn’t stop because your target was six to seven reps.
Most people never truly hit failure, so they never really put their muscles into an uncomfortable enough position where those muscles are forced to grow.
Unlike many leg exercises like squats, we’re going failure would create a high risk of injury, and most shoulder exercises taken to failure with minimal risk of injury, and over the next 30 days.
You should hit total failure on at least the last set of shoulder exercises. That means if you’re doing, let’s say, three sets of military presses, followed by three sets of lateral raises, and three sets of face pulls, you’re going to want to ensure that you hit failure.
You’ll know that you hit failure because you’ll be unable to lift the weight for any more complete reps.
So squeeze out those last one or two cheat reps and hit true full-out failure.
4- Focus on Lateral and posterior exercise
The next step is to make sure that the shoulder exercises you select primarily focus on your lateral and posterior shoulder heads.
So, as I already mentioned, you’ll want to do three to four different shoulder exercises for three sets each before moving on to your biceps and triceps.
But you’ll also be hitting on the same die. You want to focus on the middle and rear portions of your shoulders because your front shoulder head will already be getting plenty of stimulation from the bench and dumbbell presses that you’ll be doing on your chest and back day.
Other exercises, like even bicep curls, will also be more likely to stimulate the front head of your shoulders, while the other two heads remain mostly unaffected by these other exercises.
Also, if you want your shoulders to appear wider, the lateral and the posterior heads will give you the most bang for your buck.
So exercises like Arnold presses, bent arm lateral raises, regular lateral raises, behind-the-back cable raises, dumbbell reverse flies, and cable reverse flies are all excellent exercises that help to develop with three or four exercises and plug them into your first shoulder day.
Then plug three or four different exercises into your second shoulder day, or you can follow the workout that I’ll go over in a bit.
Now, it’s important that you also do the right things at home, because without the right nutrition, you can work as hard as you want at the gym.
You’re not going to be giving your body the raw materials it needs to build muscle when at rest.
5- Take protein throughout the day
So one of the most important steps to make this work is to take in enough protein throughout the day.
Ideally, if your number one goal is to experience muscle growth, you’ll want to try your best to spread your protein intake out evenly throughout the day, which will require at least three to four separate meals.
But let’s say even if you’re eating two meals a day, it’s very important for you to be taking in at least zero 7 grams of protein per pound of body weight every single day.
Regardless, without getting this adequate supply of protein, your body will not be able to maintain a positive protein turnover rate, making it very difficult to build more muscle unless you’re an absolute beginner.
And speaking of which, unless you’re a beginner, you’ll also have to maintain a calorie surplus to stimulate muscle growth.
6- Calorie surplus to stimulate muscle
Once again, building muscle costs a lot of energy. So essentially, unless your body has an abundance of energy in the form of a calorie surplus, you’re struggling to add muscle onto your shoulders.
Luckily, after you meet your protein requirements of zero 7 grams/lb, the rest of your calories can be used on fats and carbs to hit that calorie surplus target.
Now, even though you can fill those fat and carb macros with junk food, I don’t recommend that you set up your plan that way as your default, because that junk food, for the most part, makes you feel like junk.
Eating sweet potatoes, brown rice, or oats before your workout might help you perform closer to your maximum potential than eating a bowl of Lucky Charm cereal before your workout.
So do your best to eat a calorie surplus with real whole foods and meals with healthy protein, carbs, and fats. And also keep in mind that you don’t need a huge surplus.
Just 200 to 300 calories above maintenance should be enough to gain muscle while minimizing fat gain.
7- Supplementation
The next step is supplementation. As you’re focusing on bulking up your shoulders, I recommend that you take Creatine over the next 30 days.
Now, you don’t have to, but Creatine is one of those very few supplements that delivers on its promise of improved strength, athletic performance, and turn to enhanced muscle growth.
Supplementing with Creatine will most likely help you squeeze out one or two extra reps with a heavier weight load, which goes hand in hand with progressively overloading your shoulders by upping the weight load for all of your shoulder exercises over the next month without getting too in-depth.
Creatine, you can simply buy a regular cheap bottle of Creatine Monohydrate and take 5 grams or about one teaspoon of Creatine per day preferably.
You want to take it directly after your workout as that’s been shown to lead to the best results. Now, one last thing you can do in your workouts if you’re more advanced is performed a high rep drop set on the last set of every exercise.
8- Perform a high rep drop set on the last set
So after you hit failure on your third set of every exercise, you’re going to grab a lighter weight that you can perform for twelve to 20 reps, and then you’re going to squeeze out as many reps as you can before hitting failure.
If you’re a beginner, you probably won’t need this much volume for your shoulders, but someone more advanced can benefit from finishing off each exercise with a high rep drop set.
So right now on your screen, you should see a sample of this 30-day wider shoulders workout plan. You see the three exercises are paired with a drop set on the last set.
You can add a fourth shoulder exercise if you’d like, but since you’re still working your biceps and triceps during the same day, I don’t recommend doing much more for your shoulders.
I guarantee you will add a significant amount of mass to your shoulders and improve your arm’s overall size.
After those 30 days, the only thing left to do is to be consistent, swap out some exercises and continue following this process of upping your weight and building muscle over time.
So that about wraps it up. I hope you guys try this workout for 30 days or longer, and if you do, please comment with your results below.