Can you lose weight with vegetable soup?
So that your health does not suffer, remember that you must combine vegetable soups with other solid foods and fruits that provide you with other proteins and nutrients.
Vegetable soups are a good source of vitamins and minerals, with which you will lose weight with vegetable soup, but you will also be providing your body with elements to improve your state of health.
There are many people who, to try to lose weight with vegetable soup, make any kind of sacrifice when it comes to food. So, that vegetable soup can help you reduce body weight.

How to lose weight with vegetable soup?
Before making any change in our lifestyle, a specialist doctor should guide us in this regard.
However, to acquire all the benefits to help you lose weight from vegetable soups you have to know.
- The soups and all the foods consumed must be prepared with fresh vegetables to lose weight you must eat a healthy diet.
- It is not recommended, in any way, to eat canned soups, since they have a lot of fat, salt, and preservatives.
- Eating foods in the form of soups provides fewer calories than eating the same foods in their solid forms, although there is no scientific evidence in this regard.
- Vegetable soups are a great food that provides us with vitamins and minerals, providing a good amount of energy for our body.
The reason why vegetable soup is good for helping you lose weight is simple:
- That is prepared with water and accompanied by the nutrients that vegetables provide us with their fiber and antioxidants.
- They provide a feeling of satiety, which makes you eat at least twenty percent less than you normally would.
Soup consumption reduces the risk of being overweight and obesity
A study revealed in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, concluded that soup consumption is related to a reduced risk of overweight and obesity in adults. However, there is no evidence that it can combat metabolic syndrome.
In any case, including this dish as part of a balanced and healthy diet can be beneficial for those looking to control their body weight.
How to prepare them?
To follow this diet based on vegetable soups,
- You get some good recipes for these soups because it is not pleasant to eat the same thing every day.
- You must make good combinations and vary the soups every day so that you do not get tired and can follow them until you achieve the weight and measurements that you intend to achieve through this method.
- To prepare these soups it is not necessary to know much about cooking, you have to learn to combine the right vegetables and vegetables to obtain a delicious and nutritious soup.
What in no way can you do is completely stop eating other solid foods, you must accompany these soups with some proteins and nutrients that other foods can provide.
How to make vegetable soup to lose weight
There are a variety of slimming soups, each one with its particular flavor, but they all start from the same base of ingredients considered to burn fat, including different vegetables.
1- To start with the recipe for vegetable soup to lose weight, first thoroughly wash each piece of vegetable to avoid any traces of sulfate or soil.
In the case of the leek and the spring onion, you can make cross-cuts at their ends and place them under running water from the sink; undo the main layer.
2- To advance the work, put the pot with water to heat and add salt to the point. Since we are preparing a healthy and cleansing vegetable soup to lose weight, avoid a high amount of sodium.
Keep in mind that excess sodium can lead to fluid retention, among other problems.
3- Peel and cut the ends of the carrot and zucchini, then cut all the vegetables into similar pieces.
Do not make too large pieces to eat the slimming soup for weight loss better.
Put all the vegetables in the pot with boiling water, cover it and cook them for 20 minutes in a pressure cooker or 35 minutes if it is a basic lid casserole.
4- Uncover the pot and check its texture to see if the vegetables are ready. You can eat the soup to lose weight as it is, but you also have the option of blending the broth with the vegetables if you like a more uniform broth without chunks.
Likewise, you can strain the broth, mash the vegetables to obtain a puree and drink the broth without anything, since it is purifying and antioxidant on its own.
In any case, this vegetable soup to lose weight is perfect and delicious. Another purifying recipe is that of the celery purifying cream.
If you liked the recipe for Vegetable soup to lose weight, we suggest you enter our category of Soup Recipes.
It is essential to be consistent with diet and exercise, taking into account that the most important thing is to follow a healthy and balanced diet, leaving aside the so-called “miracle diets” that do not offer a balanced nutrient intake.
Keep reading and discover in Free Recipes the ingredients of the recipe for vegetable soup to lose weight and its properties.
How to Intake vegetable soup to lose weight
These types of soups are healthy and very cleansing, diuretic without a doubt, since the vegetables provide many vitamins and no fat, although there is always a but.
If you wonder what the vegetable diet soup to lose weight is like, you should know that it cannot be taken for a long time without accompanying it with proteins, which can be meat, fish, or proteins of vegetable origin.
To lose weight quickly and without getting a rebound effect, the key is a very balanced diet, with all the nutrients but in their proper measure.
Likewise, it is important to cook food without excess fat, so it is preferable to grill, steam, or bake. Some examples are:
Cabbage based soup

There is a popular belief that vegetable soups are classified as the best way to burn fat.
However, there is no scientific research to prove it. However, one of the most recommended helping you lose fat is cabbage-based soup.
- Chicken breasts
- Salt
- 1 fresh cabbage
- Tomatoes
- Onion
- Cilantro
In the chicken breast, add a pinch of salt, cook the cabbage, onion, tomato, and cilantro, then blend and add the shredded chicken. It is delicious and helps you burn fat, it also has chicken protein.
With the previous recommendations, after having gone to your trusted doctor, and easy for you to lose those extra kilos, but do not forget that you should also eat fruits and other solid foods.
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