3 Best postures for morning yoga routine awaken body and mind
Yoga is a soft workout and fashionable for several years. Asian or Indian origin Yoga is traditionally practiced in the morning to wake up the body.
A morning yoga routine for a few minutes allows you to start the day with serenity. What are good yoga postures in the morning? What are the benefits?

Yoga is a soft workout and fashionable for several years. Asian or Indian origin Yoga is traditionally practiced in the morning to wake up the body.
A morning yoga routine for a few minutes allows you to start the day with serenity. What are good yoga postures in the morning? What are the benefits?
Morning yoga
When is the best time to do Yoga?
Although the discipline is practiced at any time of the day, the morning remains the ideal time to perform some yoga postures.
The routine of 10 to 20 minutes of Yoga in the morning is enough to wake up the body and the consciousness. If the night was restless, the postures help to recover from fatigue.
Morning Yoga is suitable for men, women or pregnant women, the elderly, and even children. A wide variety of postures exist for all levels and all needs. Morning Yoga is practiced either in a group, in a gym that usually opens early, or alone at home.
Even if the morning is often synonymous with precipitation and stress, it is worth getting up a little earlier and having some time for yourself. It allows you to understand the day and to face everyday life more serenely.
Why practice a morning yoga session?
Morning yoga provides energy to face the day. Morning yoga postures give positive energy. These are essentially breathing exercises and gentle stretching.
After a session, the person feels invigorated and relaxed. The body is well warmed up and ready for all the activities, professional or not, that follow. Morning Yoga promotes relaxation and concentration. The senses are sharper. The person who does Yoga is more willful and optimistic.
The goal is to balance the body, thanks to the Vital Energy which circulates in the meridians (energy channels of the body). Also, the person lives in harmony with himself thanks to Yoga.
Some Recommendations for Morning Yoga
In the countries from which it originates, it is practiced outdoors, at sunrise, to receive light. Upon awakening, the mind is pure, It is not yet invaded by stress or negative thoughts.
Morning yoga is accompanied by soft music or silence. It is better to be on an empty stomach and have breakfast after the session because digestion requires energy.
However, it is possible to drink tea to relax or boost your vitality. It is advisable to do morning yoga mindfully.
The postures are simple to perform and very gentle. We seek to stretch the body gradually, without manhandling. A morning yoga routine is established over the weeks.
It is advisable to try the postures to adapt them according to their capacities.
For long-term well-being, it is advisable to do at least 3 sessions per week, or even one per day, for those who wish. A gym mat is recommended to perform the various morning yoga postures.
The 3 good yoga postures for getting up in the morning
Sun Salutation
The session can start with the Sun Salutation posture, which is a small sequence of exercises. It wakes up the muscles, softens the body, and brings energy. It floods the person with positive vibes.
Depending on your level, it is possible to chain up to 17 postures. For a simpler Sun Salutation, here are the steps:
- breathe with the hands joined in front of the chest;
- greet the sky: raise your arms to the sky by stretching the trunk and leaning slightly backward, while inhaling;
- standing pinch: exhale while leaning forward, the hands try to touch the feet;
- cobra posture: lie on your stomach and raise your chest, head, and neck towards the sky, leaning on your legs and hands;
- dog upside down: raise the buttocks to the sky by leaning on the hands and feet;
- standing clamp;
- salute the sky;
- close with the first posture.
The person should never feel pain or force themselves into a position. Gradually, the body gains in suppleness and flexibility. You take the time to breathe calmly and always respect your physical abilities.
Child’s posture
The child’s pose is well known. It brings soothing and muscle relaxation. It is an exercise that relieves tension in the back and opens the hips. Sit on your heels first, then lean forward until your forehead touches the mat on the floor.
Then, stretch the arms as far as possible in front of the head, without hurting each other. The body is relaxed and the position comfortable. The child’s pose helps to “let go” if it is held for 10 deep inhalations and exhalations.
The elongated twist
This well-known posture, from morning Yoga, is used to open the rib cage to breathe better. Back tension decreases, and stomach and buttocks muscles are stretched.
To perform it, you must start by positioning yourself on your back, with your arms open on the ground, on each side of your face. Bring the bent legs towards the chest, then lay the knees to one side, turning the head to the other. The shoulders remain well anchored to the ground. Then we switch sides.
Establish a morning yoga routine
A morning routine consisting of a sequence of yoga offers many benefits for the body and the mind. The idea is to choose exercises according to your level, without looking for performance.
The positions not be carried out anyhow. For the most novice, it is better to participate in a few classes to know the good postures.
They all adapt according to the physical capacities of each one. Morning breathing is a simple and effective posture: sitting cross-legged, back straight, and hands resting on the knees, or joined in front of the chest, take at least 3 deep inspirations and expirations. It is an ideal posture to start the sequence.