5tips that turn down the impact of your growing age

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By robb the singh

“Age is just a number” You must have heard this quote a lot, but very few people know the reason behind it. 

Very few people are aware of this, some people also want to be, but they do not have proper guidance, and Today I am going to discuss this topic with you, 

turn down the impact of your growing age

I’ll give you 5tips that can help you stay fit by reducing the effect of your growing age

  1. 30-minute of yoga and pranayama
  2. Control your diet and routine time
  3. Do cardio exercise or HIIT
  4. strength training exercise 
  5. Zumba

Let’s discuss all tips one by one

1-30-minute of yoga and pranayama

Yoga Poses

sarvangasana increase your immunity
Surya Namaskar for healthy lifestyle
chakrashan fat burning exercise
Dhanurashan enhance your fallibility

These yoga poses will give you a lot of health benefits.

Research has revealed its many benefits of yoga, let’s know about them

  1. Yoga reinforces the muscles and makes the body healthy
  2. yoga improve the flexibility of your body
  3. Toned your muscle 
  4. Improve your digestion level
  5. Makes your entire body stress free


4 Types of pranayama

kapalbhati pranayama turn down your growing age


  1. Relax your muscle, Breathe normally
  2. just throw out your breath.
  3. Pay attention to your breathing out
  4. Use this technique on an empty stomach
  5. Timing- 5 to 10 minutes
anuloma vilom pranayama turn down the impact of growing age


  1. Effective way to enhance lung functioning
  2. Proper oxygenation in the brain improves neurocognitive, psychophysiological, biochemical functioning.
  3. this pranayama positively impact cardiovascular function, control heart rate and blood pressure
  4. Beneficial for eyes and skin


  1. useful for headache and Migraine
  2.  helps remove toxins and impurities.
  3. useful for respiratory issues
brahmari pranayama turn down the impact of your growing age


  1. useful for headache and Migraine
  2. improve your concentration
  3.  beneficial for mantel stress

2-Control your diet and routine time

To keep our health good, it is very important to know when and how we should take a diet.
Although it does not pay much attention to it, we have to understand that food has a great effect on our body.
Here I will express what you want to eat and what you should not eat.

these food turn down your impact of your growing age

This type of diet will help to keep you fit and all the diets I have explained to you will prevent skin damage and help to shine your skin

Now we also have to know that we have to correct our diet routine along with diet also means the timing of eating our food will also have to be corrected.
Diet routine has its benefits, so let’s discuss it a little bit too.

Balance Diet routine

  • Breakfast–  ideal time of breakfast 7am, trying to eat within 30  minutes after running 
  • ideal lunch time 12 to 12:30 pm 
  • ideal time of Dinner 6 to 7pm


   1- Never do weight training or workout on an empty stomach

   2- Get into the habit of getting up at 5 am early in the morning and sleeping from 7 pm to 10 pm early in the night. 

Benefits of Balance Diet

  • Allow better sleep, improve your brain functioning
  • Help maintain a healthy body weight, provide more energy 
  •  Eating well can also help ward off numerous diseases and health complications
  • Well-balanced diet provides important vitamins, minerals, and Nutrients provide you with physical and mental strength.
  •  Balance diet provides the body with the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and liquids.

3-Do cardio exercise or HIIT

If you want to improve your stamina and exercise capacity, then cardio is the best option for you

There are 3 levels of cardio

cardio exercise turn down the impact of your growing ageo

Running, swimming, climbing stairs, cycling and playing sports is amazing cardio for health and increase your fitness level.

Benefits of cardio exercise

  • Control your blood pressure
  • help to burn your fat
  • control your cholesterol level
  • Increase your insulin sensitivity.
  • Increase your exercise tolerance.

4-Strength training exercise

Exercise is a kind of resistance exercise, in which we do a workout to get our muscles toned.
This exercise increases lean muscle mass and helps to burn extra fat in our body, we can also reduce our weight.
Our muscle mass starts decreasing with age, so we need to do strength exercises.

strength exercise turn down the impact of your growing age
Benefits of strength exercises
  1. Increased lean muscle mass
  2. Increased bone density and reduced risk of osteoporosis
  3. Increased metabolism to help with weight loss or weight maintenance
  4. Increased muscle strength to make everyday activities easier
  5. Lowered risk of injury (by allowing the muscles to better support the joints)

5- Zumba

Zumba is a popular and easy way to stay fit as it exercises our entire body. 

It is the kind of dance form that we perform with music, and many people are adopting it fast all over the world.

zumba fitness class doing exercise

Health Benefits of Zumba

  1. Full body workout at a time
  2. easy to fat burning
  3. easy to build endurance
  4. Help to improve cardiovascular fitness
  5. Improved blood pressure
  6. adaptable for any fitness level
  7. exposure to a social and fun environment
  8. safe and effectively designed,  workout

Bonus Tips

In these bonus tips, you get some extra information about cleaning inter-organ, you can adapt it with all the above points.
These are unique tips to keep yourself fit, fine, and internally healthy There are too many ways to do this, and you can do it 2-3 times a month
let’s see this one by one

1-Dhauti kriya

It is a part of yoga in a way, also called Hathayoga.
The advantage of this is that you can clean your organs internally.

dhauti kriya for cleaning internal orgens

I know four types  

  1. Antar Dhauti (Internal Cleansing )
  2. Danta Dhauti (Head Cleansing)
  3. Hrid Dhauti
  4. Moola Shodhana

2- Mud bath

Mud bath is an amazing therapy for the skin, in such a way that your skin receives nutrients through the mud, which makes your skin healthy.

mud bath good for skin therapy


  • Draw out impurities from the skin
  • Exfoliate dead skin cells
  • Relax sore muscles and joints

3-Steam bath

In one study, it was found that taking a steam bath improves the skin and cardiovascular system and healing the broken skin tissue

steam bath improve your skin condition


  • improve blood pressure
  • Healing dead skin
  • helps to loosen up the joints and increase flexibility

4-Oil Body massage 

Very few people know that due to body massage, your body gets into Relax and Active mode and stimulates your nervous system, organs, and gland

oil body massage therapy


  • Relax your nervous system
  • Improved Bone Blood Supply.
  • help to refresh your skin
  • improve your breathing


Hope all the information given above will work for you, using these tips you can transform your lifestyle.
I would also like to tell you that there are some tips which you should do in the same as guidance, such as dhauti kriya, Zumba, mud bath, etc.
Manage your diet, get up early in the morning, and exercise with time

“Which one of these tips do you like and why, please post your comment below”


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