7 ways to apply apple vinegar that's remove dandruff naturally


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Apple cider vinegar can be beneficial for hair and scalp. If we talk about the benefits of apple cider vinegar to remove dandruff naturally

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Apple cider vinegar is useful in dandruff, a benefit derived from its acidic effect.

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Massage the scalp

its acidic property can be helpful in reducing dandruff by balancing the pH of the scalp.

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Tea Tree Oil

, dandruff is reduced by including tea tree oil with apple cider vinegar in the hair care routine.c.


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Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is used in many beauty products and shampoos. Provide a lovely fragrance to the hair but can also make it shiny.


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Baking Soda

the anti-fungal properties present in baking soda can help reduce the problem of dandruff.


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Lemon and Apple Vinegar

Lemon has anti-fungal properties and this may be due to the citric acid present in it.


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Aloe Vera

Aloe vera also has antifungal properties, which can be beneficial in dandruff.


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Rosemary Oil

The benefits of rosemary oil are many and one of them is that it can be very effective on dandruff.


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Before doing these measures, do a patch test. Also, avoid using any of the above ingredients if you are allergic to them.

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