6 exercises to gain muscle volume in the arms
To have a V-shaped body and developed and voluminous arms, it is not enough to buy a Gasp t-shirt. You are still in the right place.
For the sleeve of this one to mold the triceps and biceps perfectly, you will have to flesh them out with a few well-chosen movements. Soon, just before summer, the sleeves will get shorter, and soon it will be the beach! You won’t be able to hide your arms anymore. So now is a perfect time. How to bulk up your arms?
We asked our friend Luc how he saw things.

Make the muscles that protrude from the T-shirt.
The first step is to make precise basic movements with weight, to grow the arms at the level of the triceps and biceps.
We asked our coaches for the arm exercise programs that they apply themselves.
These are the ones they use to build their biceps and triceps. And given the volume of their arms, we can easily trust them.
Exercise tips to increase the volume of the arms
Special triceps exercises
Triceps: the triceps is divided into three beams, and therefore the idea is to work it with a maximum of three movements:
Bench press tight grip straight bar or EZ bar.
Forehead bar with EZ bar.
Roman chair dips (our tip: use a weighted belt to add weight).
Do not be afraid of weight heavier you put, the more results you will have.
Big weight = Big arms
For each exercise, you must perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions. After 8 add weight because it is too light, according to the famous “no pain, no gain”.
Exercises to work the biceps
Biceps: the ideal is to work it with three movements maximum:
Straight bar standing curl or tight grip EZ curl
Standing dumbbell curls alternate with supine rotation.
Supine pull-ups
As for the triceps, perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions maximum.
We are talking about finishes here. It won’t work without starting by doing polyarticular exercises that work your entire upper body and arms. The shoulders, pecs, and back not be neglected either to look more massive with voluminous muscles.
All these movements already solicit the arms. Targeting them a little more, once a week, allows you to “locate” them well.
The best recipe for having big arms (it’s not to put on a t-shirt too small so that the triceps stand out better! lol), is to “tear yourself off” in training and eat well.