10 High protein snack ideas for muscle gain and weight loss
What can I substitute for protein powder in protein snack ideas for muscle gain?
That is a question that comes up often. However, proteins only have advantages. The more protein we eat, the more satiated we are and the better our muscles are doing. So what are the alternatives to protein?
Protein shakes are, admittedly, one of the easiest ways to add protein to your meals, or between your meals, at any time of the day, without calculation or mixing. Water or milk, a dose of protein powder.

But other sources of protein that are easy to find and add to your snack. Here are 10, some of which may surprise you.
1- Eggs
The egg has long been considered the best protein and almost the only one! Today, cholesterol makes us give up the egg while its benefits outweigh its defects! An egg is about 6.4 g of protein, 5.7 g of fat, and 75 calories. The trick of some people to avoid excess is to eat only the egg white in the omelet (For example- 2 whole eggs + 2 egg whites).
How to eat it?
Cooked and hard is the best way to make it a snack or a meal supplement (added to your salad).
Walnuts, cashews, pistachios, and almonds are healthy, protein-rich snacks.
Fillet or breast of turkey and grilled chicken, baked without fat.
2- Chicken breast
It is on the menu of all bodybuilders, low in calories, lean and high in protein, 1 serving provides about 22 g of protein and about 120 calories. Please note, that we are not talking about vacuum-packed turkey breast, which is often too high in sodium because of the preservative elements.
Chicken breast is also perfect, equivalent in protein, and contains few lipids. Turkey and chicken are very lean meats. If you eat it for lunch or dinner, save a few slices for your protein snack ideas for muscle gain.
How to eat them?
Fillet or breast of turkey and grilled chicken, baked without fat, cold or hot, seasoned with herbs or spices or mustard or in strips, mixed with salad.
Breast of turkey and grilled chicken, baked without fat.protein snack ideas for muscle gain
3- Nuts
Walnuts, cashews, pistachios, and almonds are healthy, protein-rich snacks. Nuts, for example, provide 19g per 100g and 25g of carbohydrates.
They also provide fat 48g / 100g, but that’s good fatty acids that should not be overlooked. The fibers they contain are also useful for being full, which helps to control weight.
In addition, vitamins are good for tone and health. Dried fruits are high in calories (walnuts: 608 per 100g, hazelnuts: 646 per 100g) which is why you should limit yourself to a small handful.
How to eat them?
A small handful of dried fruits as a snack (10 to 15 pieces depending on size)
4- White cheese
Another excellent source of protein, ideal for snacking. 100g of cottage cheese at 20% fat provides approximately 8g of protein for only 75 calories and less than 3g of fat. It allows you to be satiated between meals or can even exceptionally replace a meal.
How to eat it? You can enjoy it plain or add fruit instead of sugar.
5- Plain yogurt
Shunned because less sexy than flavored yogurt or dessert creams, it is nevertheless the champion, in terms of health, whether creamy or liquid, its whey is the same as whey protein. It provides almost as much protein as carbohydrates, around 5g, for just over 100 calories per 100g.
How to eat it?
It is the ideal food to mix with fresh fruits, nuts, and cereals for a healthy and fresh protein snack ideas for muscle gain.
6- lentils
Those who don’t like meat are not without a solution. Pulses such as lentils provide a good dose of 28 g protein per 100g, 350 calories and 57 g of carbohydrates, and almost no fat. Added to many dishes their flavors are varied because they take on the flavors of the foods.
How to eat them?
Hot main dish with its meat or as a cold salad in a small airtight bowl.
7- Tofu
Soy sources are another protein alternative. Tofu contains both about 15g of protein per 100g and 8g of good fats. It has no particular taste and accommodates itself in many ways, absorbing the flavors of other foods.
How to eat it?
Practical, cut into cubes or strips, it is easy to consume at any time.
8- Peanut butter
Unloved, because of its alleged fat content (51g), it is nevertheless a key food for muscle gain. It provides a lot of protein, 23g per 100g, and carbohydrates (21g) and is rich in good fatty acids. 2 tablespoons provide about 7 g of protein.
It promotes satiety and is one of the healthy foods. However, be careful not to add fatty or sugary foods when you eat them.
No risk of calorie overload if you consume it moderately and do it yourself at home, following Johanna’s recipe!
How to eat it?
Homemade is very easy. With carrot or celery sticks instead of toast.
9- Pumpkin and squash seeds
Unloved, because of its alleged fat content (51g), it is nevertheless a key food for muscle gain. It provides a lot of protein, 23g per 100g, and carbohydrates (21g) and is rich in good fatty acids. 2 tablespoons provide about 7 g of protein.
It promotes satiety and is one of the healthy foods. However, be careful not to add fatty or sugary foods when you eat them.
No risk of calorie overload if you consume it moderately and do it yourself at home, following Johanna’s recipe!
How to eat it?
Homemade is very easy. With carrot or celery sticks instead of toast.
10- Protein Bar
No time or inclination to think about the best option? The protein bar will do the trick, it is ideally dosed in protein, greedy and practical to carry everywhere with you.